Orders Processing
Mobile Sale APPs,
Sales Controls
Financial &
Warranty &
Human Resource
Finally, on ERP-grade business software made affordable for SMEs enabling automated systems and
SOP driven operations - stay ahead of competition, energize your business.
Seamlessly automate, control and streamline every aspect of your operations.
Specialized modules tailored for online businesses, high-volume distributors and nationwide retail chains
with multiple outlets or branches.
Custom-built features for specific trade needs: Telco, Furniture, Electronics and Pharmacies.
On-demand personalised customization tailors the software to suit your unique needs
Sync to
Shopee & Lazada
Front End
An Enterprise Grade Bussines Software made affordable empowering Malaysia SME to digitize and grow
business. Capitalize on the e-commerce trends, supports mobile APPs, digital marketing and direct
syncing to popular online portal like Lazada and Shopee.
The Software is coded with eye pleasing UI and built-in AI features to make the software user friendly and intelligent. To ensure successful implementation, we also provide SOP, System , Accounting and Financial consulting services, staffed by professionally qualified Accountants.
VECOUNT automates and streamlines every business process - Orders Processing, Sales & Credit Control, Procurement, Warehousing, Shipping, CRM, Finance, HR & Payroll, Mobile Sales Force, e-Commerce, POS
Front End Retail, Warranty & Services, Project Management to Manufacturing.
Especially suitable for high-volume Distributors, Nation-wide Retail Chain Stores, e-commerce,
Manufacturers and Project Managers. It brings many advantages:
- Systematic and SOP driven operations , productivity boosts and higher revenue.
- Improved internal and cost controls, reduced inefficiencies, human errors, employee fraud and risk.
- Real-time big data analytics for superior marketing, operations and strategic decision-making.
Complete suite of modules supports multi User, Branch/Outlet, BU and Division. On-demand
customization tailors the software for each user specific needs and pain points. Industry Specific tailored
features also available to meet Telco, Furniture, Electronics and Pharmacy retail trades unique needs.
VECOUNT has many Industry-unique features like:
- Delivery Route Planner to improve delivery planning (with M3 and Weight Calculator).
- Automated Salesperson/Truck Driver Commission calculation.
- Mobile APPs for Salesperson – log sales order remotely, activities and movement tracking.
- Marketing Fund management.
- Direct sync to Lazada and Shopee for mass online orders processing.
- Warranty and Service module to track warranty claims and service jobs.
- Vendor Claims: Tracks and submit Sales Thru reports for earned rebates and incentive.
- Trade-In of Used Devices.
- Customer Deposits Management.
We offer affordable financing options, including SaaS rental model or easy installment scheme. Opting for
Cloud Base hosting eliminates expensive and hard to maintain in-house server, scalable to suit business
expansion via plug-in modular design.
You are welcome to make enquiry and request for free demostration. With ever increasing competition,
escalating operating costs and manpower shortage, it is time to and upgrade your existing system and
operations. Reengineer your business to outpace competition and keep up with digital age.
CRM module manages customer profile, sales analytics and configure customers by Trade Type and geographical zoning by Country, Region, State, or City. Tier customer by user definable level to track and calculate incentive for achieving sales target or campaign programs such as incentive trip, complete with dashboard to monitor real time target attainment. Analyzes market penetration success and identification of buying, inactivity and new recruitment of customers, products and geographical zones filterable by Brand and BU.
Sales Analysis and CRM modules work in tandem to mine sales data and customer and Salesperson
database to track sales, market penetration and target attainment by customer, salesman, Telemarkeeter, geographical zone.
At Item level, analyse products market penetration identifying buying and non buying customers, selling
and non selling salespersons. Also, filter sales and invenotry balance of Items flagged as
EOL (End of Life) and Clearance where quick actions and constant attention are required to deplete
slow moving and over-stocked items. Also able to flag items as Priority status to monitor sales
performance for Items require emphasis to be promoted.
At Customer level, understands customer's buying behavior, identify inactive and Drop-Out ones are
critical to improve sales, what they buy and don't and whether customer coverage is evenly
distributed by salespson and geographical zones.
Recruitment of new customers is important to ensure no over-dependent on a few key customers where
a dashboard is provided to view recuitment effort and result filterable by Salesperson and Branch level.
A special sub module to analsyse customers coverage and sales by geographical zones such as
Region, State, City and Zone. This is helpful to identify untapped sales areas, no loss of sales potential.
Perform 80/20 sales analysis by Customer and Items to ensure even distribution and no over dependency.
A very special Season code attribute setup to link and track item with festive seasons like Christmas to
analsye sales and stock balance to forecast purchase to ensure on time adequate stocking.
Sales force manages Salesman and Telemarketeer sales, target attainment and market penetration by geographical zones, Customers, Products, Brand, Group and Receivables Collection. Salesperson
Module tracks salesman and tele-Marketeer Sales Collection performance and activities. Mobile APPs
for field salesperson logs sales order remotely even with no internet connection where orders will be
saved and sync later. Remote device able to view customer Aging, Stock Status, Orders history and
lash news.
Marketing Fund module to manage internally accrued and vendors Parked Funds utilization to fund
marketing activities and campaigns like Incentive Trips, Products Cost-Down and Target attainment
rebate. Funds can be accrued during GRN, Adjustments or vendors channeled funds.
WMS and Shipping automates warehousing and shipping to reduce human errors and mundane
manual process to meet on time delivery. Tracks inventory at Branch, Location, Bin and Zone level to
ease monitoring, storage and retrieval. Pick List is system printable and sortable by Bin, zone or Item
code allowing quick retrieval and efficient assignment of Picking staff. Each Bin has M3 capacity
calculation to ensure adequate and efficient usage of storage space.
IBT (Inter Branch Transfer) handles physical transfer of stock between branches. Receiving branch
is able to download processed IBT Transfer Out document to acknowledge goods received without
re-keying SKU code, quanthity and SN#. Requesting Branch able to log internal orders online
enabling supplying branch to view and process stock requests.
Route Planner schedules goods delivery by geographical zone of customer such as Region/State/City.
System Printable Shipping/Carton label and courier docket and M3/Weight populated system
generated Loading and Routing sheets to ensure goods are loaded and off-load in LIFO
(Last In First Out) sequence and to avoid exceeding truck/carrier capacity.
Sales Controls subject every Sales Order and Invoice to credit check, mandated minimum sales
value, margin, order size (like carton qty), unit selling price, fixed price, zero price, allowed discount
range by % or value and restricts sales of indent items to assigned customers, differentiated pricing
by Branch for each price type. For company with multi-branch, Sales Order and Invoice support
Dropship and PSO shipping type negate redundant Inter branch stocks transfer and goods
receiving steps.
Margin analysis helps to identify deliberate or un-intended low or abnormal margin sales filterable
by Invoice, Item, Customer, Salesperson, Branch and BU.
Pricing and Promotion module to manage products pricing, detailed and flexible pricing matrix
mapping by customer group (Retail, Dealer, Online, Export), Volume, multi UOM, pre-specified
customers, differentiated pricing for each Branch for each price type, Quick Dashboard to identify
and correct wrongly priced items fiterable Brand by category.
Automates tedious Salesperson Commission calculation to handle complex formula - Sales, Gross Profit,
Piece Rate and collection, conditional on meeting KPI such as Tiered sales target, Collection and Debtors
ageing days. System generated Commission Statement (Summary or Individual). GP can be calculated
based on system actual or pre-set unit standard cost. Also, able to handle truck drivers’ delivery incentive calculation based on delivery volume and route.
SKU setup allows input of Brand, Category, Customer & Vendor part #, SN/Batch #, Expiry Date, Warranty,
Type, M3, Weight, Season (like Christmas,CNY), customizable Attributes for more in-depth filtering like
Material type, Watts, Color, Hours. Multi UOM enables break bulk negating creation of duplicate code
for same item with multi UOM and enabling Pricing set up by UOM.
Landed Costing computes inward freights and customs duty unit cost using selectable method -
M3, Weight, Piece rate or value % and maintains historical calculations.
Credit Control module performs extensive credit check and blocks every Sales Order and Invoice for:
- Black listed or Credit Hold customers
- Over Credit Terms (Credit Limit, Days)
- Abuses like issue of FOC and below cost items and invoice below allowed minimum margin.
Salesperson able to appeal online to seek approval to release blocked Orders. Credit Controller module
enables Finance to process each appeal with system generated critical data like Order content,
total Order margin amount, sales, credit profile and history, appeal reasons and current aging status
and collection history to make informed decision.
Records and Maintains detailed customer credit file:
- Guarantors details and Credit file number.
- Collaterals, Credit Insurance, Credit revisions history
A sub module to constantly monitor the credit health of each customer prompting Credit controller
to review upward or downward of each customer extended credit.
Advanced Financial module manages cash flow and treasury, tracks banking facilities such as BA/TR/LC
and loans utilization status. Deploys latest perpetual accounting for real-time financial reporting and
generate Profit/Loss analysis for each Branch, BU or Division. Supports multi-currency and auto
calculate any realised exchange gain or loss.
Payment Processing control is tight, blocks input and payment of duplicated vendor invoices and any
Vendors or Invoices with discrepancy flagged as Hold. During payment processing, it alerts of any pending submitted Earned Claims, Uncredited Purchase Returns, outstanding warranty claims and un-contra
Record and monitor vendor purchase target rebate hand early payment incentive, to take full advantage
of reward extended by vendor. A dedicated CF module to monitor any vendors promised subsidy,
funding and earned rebates. System printable Payment summary for submission to Banks for
online payment.
Price Protection sub module helps to auto generate Report (Excel or PDF) to Vendor to claim price drop
for floor stock quantity with relevant details like Invoice #, Item code quantity and SN#. Sales Thru sub
module auto generate Report to Vendor to claim incentive offered to Salesperson or company based on
specified Items sold with details like Invoice # and customer name and contact details, Item code,
sold quantity, SN #, salesperson name and incentive amount.
POS for Front End Retail supports almost all kinds of trades and intregrate seamlessly to all related
modules such as Membership, Financial, Inventory, Pricing and Warranty. It handles all payment types
including any types of payment gateway, mixed payments
(Combination of Cash, credit card and e-Payment).
Extreme tight control to reduce abuses such as mandated Cashier Blind Check-Out, Cancel ,
Edit and Re-Print of Posted Bills, price control like FOC item, below cost, non discountable items.
- Dashboard to monitor Branch daily cash collections to ensure timely Bank-In or Transfer.
- Configurable Outlet Operating hour Time Off to prevent pre-mature check Out
- Inputable Salesperson code for commission calculation.
- Deposit Management and Refund authorisation.
- PWP, Mix-n-Match and Package configurator.
- Diferentiated Pricing by Outlet
- Inputable customer contact details for archieving and facilitates Bill search.
- Handle Items Return and Exchange with configurable controls like validity period.
- Tailored made module for specialised trade:- Telco, Furniture, Electronics, Gadgets and Pharmacy,
- FnB, KTV and Nite-Clubs.Warranty and Service module improve after sales service to record and
- track sold items that carry warranty.
- Settable warranty period for each item to enable instant warranty validity verification.
- Generate system printable barcoded Job Sheet and ID Label for new log-In case.
- Monitor Technician work load and activities with clear Job Journey for auditing and accountability check.
- Dashboard to monitor Open Jobs by Customer, Vendor and Technician.
- Constant monitoring of billable service jobs to ensure each Job is being invoiced.
On system wide, the Software has very many user convenient features:
- 52 weeks reporting
- All reports are exportable to Excel and PDF.
- In depth user controls and rights like restricted access to Modules, Branch, Edit, Post, Salesperson, Cost.
- All financial related transactions are posted real-time to Accounting module.
- Accessible via any internet enabled devices like smartphone, Android Pad and notebook.
- Full time Help desk staff.